Sunday, April 4, 2021

Think on These Things . . . . . . .


As we close the year, our minds will think over all the events that have occurred during this year. We may have lost loved ones, had financial challenges, disappointments with ourselves and others.  But through it all we can all give Thanks unto the Lord because He is good and His Mercy endureth forever!  God’s Word encourages us to be careful for nothing; the words “careful for nothing” really mean “do not worry about anything”; this will always be a challenge to us because many times we choose to worry.  What a wonderful and gracious promise we have from the Lord!  We are told to let Him know by prayer and supplication (humble and earnest prayer in worship); This is more than simply talking to and with God in prayer, but worship and earnest, sincere prayer are involved.  In Roman times it consisted in sacrifices, feasting, offering thanks, and praying for a continuance of success.  So as you think on this year and prepare for the new year purpose to think and do differently!  

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